Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Ray Bradburys The Veldt and Franz Kafkas Metamorphosis...

Ray Bradbury’s â€Å"The Veldt,† and Franz Kafka’s â€Å"Metamorphosis† are prime example of how Americans take advantage of the little things in life. In today’s society people do not realize how easy they have it and will never fully understand the meaning of hard work. The children in â€Å"The Veldt† are disrespectful towards their family due to their disconnection to reality, and abandonment from their parents. â€Å"Metamorphosis† displays how the parents take advantage of their son and all the work he does for them. Both short stories display the lack of respect and abandonment towards their family members whether it’s taking advantage of them or under appreciating them due to being oblivious to their surroundings. Abandonment occurs on two levels in†¦show more content†¦Throughout this story the kids cannot live without this device and turn away from their parents when they try to take it away from them. Technology is supposed to make life easier; however it turns this family into a mess. The kids turn dependent on this room and disrespect their parents when they try to take it away. Wendy and Peter play devil’s advocate against their parent to get whatever they want. This is another way the kid disrespect their parents. George and Lydia agree that the kids need a break from the nursery and their smart house. They suggest the family goes on a vacation to get away from the technology. George suggests the idea to the kids and they immediately complain to Lydia and beg for the nursery. Lydia caves in and allows the kids a few more hours in the room. At this moment the kids know they have the parents in the palm of their hands and stray away from their rules. Wendy and Peter underappreciate everything their parents have given them and take everything for granite. Their thoughts never once think about why their parents got them everything. All they think about are themselves and not others. â€Å"Metamorphosis† exhibits the same type of disrespect towards their family members. In this short story, Gregor the main character is the sole provider for his family. Gregor works as a travel salesman and dissatisfied with his job. One day Gregor wakes up in his bed and realizes something is wrong with him. He glances down at his body and

Monday, December 16, 2019

War Is One Of The Biggest Atrocities That Man Must Commit Free Essays

After looking through the slideshow for this portion of the class I felt a mixture of sadness and hope, disgust and inspiration, confusion and clarity. These images bounce back and forth from a crying child to one who has had access to medical attention, a naked child screaming in terror in the streets to an image of the same woman as an adult, happy and healthy. War is one of the biggest atrocities that man must commit but at the same time people are never as beautiful or as courageous as when they are in the midst of crisis. We will write a custom essay sample on War Is One Of The Biggest Atrocities That Man Must Commit or any similar topic only for you Order Now Take the picture of the Young Beggar’s in Saigon for example. This picture is bittersweet. It is extremely sad but also really beautiful. The infant in the box makes me want to weep but I am comforted by the fact that these two young people are holding hands. They have each other. If nothing else these two have that little human contact that will make their situation bearable. Other examples of this include the shoeshine boys who have congregated together to form a young Saigon gang. Is this an ideal picture, no, but it is real. These children may have to grow up quickly but they have each other and they are living the only childhood they will ever know. But then there are photos of the young victims of war, bombing victims and women trying to smuggle her children out of the war zone. These are not pretty pictures but again they illustrate the beauty of the human spirit. Could I appreciate life if I had never seen with my own eyes the sadness of a life taken too soon? Could anyone ever know real strength and courage if they had never felt the tinges of fear? There were other pictures that were slightly confusing, such as the photo of the US Marine giving the young girl a cigarette. At first I thought, â€Å"Why would he give such a young child a cigarette? † But then I realized it was because that was all this soldier had to give. I am sure that being an American, used to children having the right to grow up healthy and safe, makes it difficult to see children growing up in the midst of a war zone. It makes one want to â€Å"rescue† each other. And again that is admirable. Look at the girls face in that photo. She is radiant. She is the lightness in an otherwise bleak world. In response, I really don’t know who the â€Å"good† guys are and who the â€Å"bad† guys are in these photos. And truly I don’t know that it matters. I was truck by the strength and beauty that was represented here. Look at the faces in these pictures and you see strength, perseverance, tradition and even love. For example, look at the woman in the photo A Vietnamese Woman, the trials and tribulations of life are etched all over her face. Ultimately these photos represent the good and the bad, the yin and yang of humanity. For some strange reason man does not appreciate life until life is taken away. And unfortunately the world is a better place after we have had to clean up the rubble of war and human greed. Somehow in the midst of destruction we find the strength to help each other, pick up where we left off. Yet, when all is well in the world we get greedy and seek to destroy. These images are timeless. Despite our disgust at seeing a young child tortured we, as a race, will continue to commit these crimes. Maybe as a species man has self destructive tendencies. Maybe we can only appreciate the beauty of life when we see the ugliness in death. How to cite War Is One Of The Biggest Atrocities That Man Must Commit, Essays

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Positive Versus Normative Analysis in Economics

Question: Discuss about the Positive Versus Normative Analysis in Economics. Answer: Introduction: Primarily, the United Arab Emirates economy is an open market economy made up of various sectors. Essentially, it is made up of the producing, households, the government, financial sector, and rest the world sectors. These sectors operate intermittently and in association with each other. Notably, the countrys circular model comprises of the major exchanges and flow of money, services, and goods that occur between the economic agents (Mankiv, 2011). The actions of the various participants in the market economy generate national income, expenditure, and output, which then flow from one component to the other. Therefore, the circular flow model of the UAE involves the interactions between individuals, firms, the government and the rest of the world. The UAE has various households who act as consumers of services and goods produced within and outside the country. Primarily, households in the UAE supply firms with factors of production such as human capital, land, enterprise and real capital. Consequently, they receive rewards and income for the factors of production (Beggs, 2017). For instance, landowners in the country supply their land to firms and receive rent as compensation. In the same way, entrepreneurs provide their enterprise and in return they receive profits. On the other hand, the countrys labor force offer their human capital in various industries and firms and are paid in the form of wages and salaries. Lastly, capitalists within the state provide capital and in exchange receive interest as the factor payment (Beggs, 2017). Notably, the households may choose to consume all their income or save some instead of spending it all. The circular flow of income model for the UAEe Predominantly, firms in the country play the role of producing services and goods for the households and businesses within and outside the UAE. As such, local companies produce goods and services meant for domestic and export consumption. Often, they utilize the factors of production provided by the households to produce these commodities (Khan, n.d.). After they produce the commodities, they sell them to households who then pay for them with the income they earned from selling their factors of production. This way, the firms earn income. With the income earned, companies may invest in capital assets. Thus, they may purchase capital goods from other businesses. Mainly, the countrys public sector is controlled and managed by the government. Typically, the government earns its revenues through taxing households and firms within the state (Bogdan, 2010). The payment of taxes to the government represents a leakage from the economys flow of income. Nonetheless, it often injects money back into the circular flow by spending on public goods and services (Bogdan, 2010). Today, the UAE government spends on healthcare services, defense, and security among others. It also supports the poor and those that are unable to get employment within the prevailing market conditions. Predominantly, the countrys financial sector comprises of banks and non-bank institutions. Typically, these organizations act as intermediaries between economic agents. Often, they receive money in terms of savings. They also lend money to households and firms. Additionally, they engage in investment activities within the economy. Whereas savings is a leakage, investments is an injection of money into the countrys circular flow of income. As a whole, the UAE economy participates in international trade. For this reason, it pays for goods and services that are imported and earns income from commodities that are exported from the nation. Foreign consumers buy domestic products, thereby injecting income into the circular flow. Positive and Normative Statements Typically, in economic analysis, economic agents make various statements about the prevailing economic conditions. Characteristically, these statements may be classified either as positive or normative statements. It is imperative to note that positive statements are always based on what is happening in the economy and can be proven as true or false depending on the available facts (Beggs, 2015). More specifically, these statements use scientific principles to arrive at objective and testable conclusions. On the other hand, normative statements are subjective and opinion based (Caplin Schotte, 2008). For this reason, they cannot be proved or disapproved. Although they use factual evidence as support, they are often not factual. Instead, they incorporate the underlying morals and opinions of the individual making the statement. References Caplin, A. Schotte, A. (2008). The Foundations of Positive and Normative Economics: A Handbook. Oxford. Beggs, J. (2014). Positive versus Normative Analysis in Economics. ThoughtCo.com. Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/positive-versus-normative-analysis-1147005. Beggs, J. (2017). The Circular-Flow Model of the Economy. ThoughtCo.com. Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/the-circular-flow-model-of-the-economy-1147015. Blackhouse, R. Yann, G. (2010). Circular flow diagrams. In Famous Figures and Diagrams in Economics (222-229) Bogdan, D. (2010). Introducing the Circular Flow Diagram to Business Students. Journal of Education for Business, 85, no. 5: 276. Khan, S. Circular flow of income and expenditures. Khan Academy. Retrieved from https://www.khanacademy.org/economics-finance-domain/macroeconomics/gdp-topic/circular-econ-gdp-tutorial/v/circular-flow-of-income-and-expenditures. Mankiv, G. (2011). Principles of Economics (6th Ed.). Europe: Thomson.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The history of sitcoms Essay Example

The history of sitcoms Paper My Family are immediately recognised as an upper middle-class family, as they are typical of West London, the soft underbelly of the South. The sofa and living room are used as the main setting in both of these 2 sitcoms, but the way that props and cameras are positioned further reinforces their different social classes. The Royles cramped living room is shown at awkward angles and no windows or open spaces are shown. This gives the impression of a pokey terraced house. The living room of My Family is airy and spacious, a wide area of it being shown and lots of carefully placed ornaments and windows. The Simpsons is also a working class family, whose standards lie between those of the two extremes; My Family and The Royle Family. The big difference, however, is that The Simpsons is set in a fictional area of America Springfield. As with the two English sitcoms, the living room is the main scene, but more of the outside world is explored than in My Family or The Royles, which are both quite inward. OCCUPATION: In this sense, the Simpsons and My Family are more conventional in work than the Royle Family. Ben and Homer the men of the families, both earn money for the rest of their family with quite advanced jobs (Ben works as a white-collar dentist and Homer as a blue-collar nuclear power plant controller). However, Jim, (the leading male of the Royles), is unemployed. His wife Barbara is the main earner, a blue-collar worker in a bakery. Both of the other women are between jobs, although sometimes Susan works as a tourguide, and rely on their husbands as a main source of income. Each of the three sitcoms have at least one child in school. We will write a custom essay sample on The history of sitcoms specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The history of sitcoms specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The history of sitcoms specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Bart and Lisa, the child characters of The Simpsons, are young and both attend primary school. Anthony of the Royles and Michael of My Family are the only child characters of these two sitcoms, and are in secondary school. Another similarity in occupations is that one character in all three sitcoms stays at home; The Simpsons baby Maggie, My Familys unemployed son Nick, and the retired Nana Royle. PRODUCTION BACKGROUND / AUDIENCE READINGS All three sitcoms are now shown on the BBC channels, but originally they were made in very different ways. My Family, the most recent of the three, was first shown in 2000, and was written as a BBC in-house production. The Royle family debuted in 1998 as a Granada production and The Simpsons, which first started out as 48 shorts in a separate program, first made its appearance as an independent sitcom in 1987, on American television. It is a C20th Fox Production. The Simpsons and MY Family are designed to appeal to the whole family, and are thus shown pre-watershed time. They are shown on mainstream channels, and entertain with more than one genre of comedy to suit children and adults alike. The Simpsons is probably the most widely enjoyed of the three, as it is a cartoon so it relates most to children, without losing out on adult viewers. The Royle family, however, appeals to a much more specified genre of people. It is shown late at night, and is put in the alternative comedy slot along with programs like Alan Partridge and The Office. Although its audience is small, the Royle Family has developed a loyal cult following with its unconventional situations and controversial humour. Some aspects of production, however, are true to all 3 sitcoms. An example of this is the inclusion of well-known actors. In each sitcom this is done for different reasons. Ricky Tomlinson and Sue Johnston play the Royle Familys Barbara and Jim. This adds to the realism of the sitcom as these actors previously acted the realistic soap Brookside. The producers of MY Family have included a well-known cast aswell, for example Zoi Wanamaker starred in Harry Potter. The reason for this is to boost My Familys ratings and make it more popular. Adding familiar faces causes more people to relate to the sitcom. The producer of the Simpsons uses celebrities to add humour. As this sitcom is a cartoon, caricatures and deliberately bad voice-overs can be used to make the sitcom funnier to watch. CREDITS/TITLE SEQUENCE Each sitcom introduces their characters by showing them in their typical environments. Both the Simpsons and The Royle Family include the couch scene in their opening sequences, this Simpsons including originality by showing a different humorous sofa scene every time. My Family, however, ends their title sequence more conventionally, showing a family portrait of the characters. All three-title sequences are accompanied by music. The Simpsons and My Family are both introduced to an upbeat theme tune, whereas the Royles dreary Oasis song immediately sets the depressing mood. The lyrics, half the world away, suggest the Royle Families cut off, inward status from the outside world. Also, the Royle family uses black and white shots to complement this mood, whereas Simpsons and My Family are less explorative, shooting their credits and title sequence in colour. TYPES: Generic characteristics have been shown since the start of sitcoms MY Family, The Royle Family and The Simpsons being no exception. This point is most clearly portrayed in the men of the families. This point is most clearly portrayed in the men of the families. Ben of My Family is arrogant, cynical and delusional, and holds the dominant place in the family, as does Homer Simpson. Homer is blundering, immature and stupid, yet still a character that audiences sympathise with. The Royle Family is probably the odd-one-out, with its leading male Jim. Jim is seen mostly on the sofa watching television, therefore in that sense he is domesticated, and he also doesnt work, unlike the men of most sitcoms. Subtle role reversal is used with Jim and his wife Barbara, for uniqueness and humour. However, he is the dominant person of the household, as he has his own particular seat on the sofa whereas the other family members dont, and also has permanent possession of the remote control. These two characteristics are needed to establish Jim to the audience as the head-of-the-house man. The women of these 3 sitcoms also share generic characteristics. They are all domesticated, and hold their families together, but some of their traits are very different. Marge Simpson is a typical affectionate mother; she cleans, tidies, cooks for and looks after her children (and husband), trying to make hers the perfect family. She is also seen as the stereotypical nagging housewife, her discerning moaning acting as her motif throughout shows. Barbara, of the Royle Family, also cares for her family, but in a different way; she goes out to work. Given this, she is less domesticated than Marge, spending more time socializing with her family or working than cooking and cleaning. It could be said that she tries harder to hold her deficient family together, as she has the burden of an idle husband and immature yet adult children, and doesnt moan about it. This is effective as Barbara is a character that the audience will sympathise with and respect. Susan, of My Family, has very little maternal or loving characteristics and therefore doesnt make a very strong bond with the audience. She is not very domesticated, as she often states she cannot cook, and also she is more the head of the household than Ben, instructing her children and husband on what and what not to do. The fact that she works also takes any maternal nature out of her character, and her sarcastic, tempestuous and sometimes-immature nature is used to get laughter from the audience rather than to make a bond with them. In fact, there is no palpable affection shown between any of the rest of the Archer family either. Every character contains an element of sarcasm, and the main entertainment from My Family comes from The Families ridicule and general intolerance of one another. One thing that most sitcoms have in common is the inclusion of one normal voice a character that possesses no prominent qualities. This is effective in keeping some reality to a sitcom especially if in all other aspect its is unlikely that any of its situations would happen.